Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Some light reading!! !!

If you want to read tonights Vampire Diaries episode(season 1, episode 16-There goes the neighborhood) go to this website '''' (its not a link!!). It has all the episodes from season 1 and a couple from season 2!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Halloween ?!

So I've been thinking and cant seem to decide on anything to wear for halloween. I wish I could be a vampire like Vicki on TVD(The Vampire Diaries) or a nurse like Elena. But i really want to be a witch like Bonnie, not a gothic witch with a long black dress and a broom stick, I'd rather to be a witch with a cute short dress(not to short)!! Which got me thinking you guys probally have an opinon on what the characters in TVD wore. Comment on what you thought of TVD halloween outfits!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The boys of The Vampire Diaries (+ Elena) are looking very cute together but they are missing Matt, so I took the liberty of getting a photo of him as-well (he looks just as cute as the others!!)
From left - right: Stefen, Tyler, Damon, Jeremy and Alaric.

From left - right: Matt!! !! lol

''There goes the neighborhood''

This is a summary of The Vampire Diaries episode 16, season 1.

Anna visits Damon and brings along an unexpected guest. Elena and Stefen endure an awkward double-date with Caroline and Matt, but Stefen and Matt start to bond after relizing they share some common ground. Jenna reunites with her old friend Kelly and have a couple of drinks with Damon. Anna and Jeremy's relationship moves in a new direction.

Here is a more descriptive summary of the starting of the up-coming episode for The Vampire Diaries, season 1 episode 16: There goes the neighborhood.

Anna and Pearl go to visits Damon and Pearl asks him about the council and who's on it, Damon demands to why they want to know and Pearl replies she want to raise her tomb and all the vampires in it. Damon makes a move to strangle Pearl and she then grabs him and puts him down keeping her grip on him. Pearl is much stronger than Damon being more than 400 years older than Damon, has he finally meet his match. Pearl and Anna then leave an injured Damon to himself.
Keep an eye out for the full episode and more than just a summary. Coming soon!! !!
Here's picture from Pearl and Anna's visit!! !!
I recently found out I have a major obsession with The Vampire Diaries and thought what better way to express my new found hobbie than with a blog!! !! Dont forget to comment and/or become a follower!! !!

Who do you think will die next???

Whos the hottest couple???