Sunday, October 3, 2010

Here is a more descriptive summary of the starting of the up-coming episode for The Vampire Diaries, season 1 episode 16: There goes the neighborhood.

Anna and Pearl go to visits Damon and Pearl asks him about the council and who's on it, Damon demands to why they want to know and Pearl replies she want to raise her tomb and all the vampires in it. Damon makes a move to strangle Pearl and she then grabs him and puts him down keeping her grip on him. Pearl is much stronger than Damon being more than 400 years older than Damon, has he finally meet his match. Pearl and Anna then leave an injured Damon to himself.
Keep an eye out for the full episode and more than just a summary. Coming soon!! !!
Here's picture from Pearl and Anna's visit!! !!

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Who do you think will die next???

Whos the hottest couple???